Congratulations to Dr. Salden

On last Friday, April 19 2024, Antoine Salden defended his PhD Thesis titled “Elucidating trends and transients in CO2 dissociation” at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He thereby received his degree from TU/e and from University of Trento. Congratulation Dr. Salden!

Congratulations to Dr. Musig

It has been a while since the last defense but on October 20 2023, Beatrice Musig defended her PhD thesis titled “Nanostructured catalysts for plasma-assisted CO2 methanation” with excellence. She thereby received her PhD degree from University of Zaragoza and Sorbonne University. Congratulation Dr. Musig!

Pioneer Database Is Online!

Finally, after hundreds of hours of work in total, the Pioneer consortium proudly presents the Pioneer Database (PDB)! The PDB is filled with experimental data collected from literature on the performance of plasma(-catalytic) conversion of CO2. It is open-access and allows the community to put their own results into context and to deduce underlying trends. Furthermore, researchers are invited to provide their own published results to the PDB to increase the visibility of their work but also to make the tool even more powerful. For all the details also check our publication on the PDB!

Plot of the conversion of CO2 against the specific energy input as extracted from the PDB within seconds.

Congratulations to Dr. Biondo

Shortly before the summer break, on July 3 2023, Omar Biondo successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Towards a fundamental understanding of energy-efficient, plasma-based CO2 conversion”. He thereby received his PhD degree from University of Antwerp and Eindhoven University of Technology (the work was partly carried out at DIFFER). Congratulation Dr. Biondo!

Congratulations to Dr. Nguyen-Quang

Yet another PhD! Minh Nguyen-Quang defended his thesis titled “Efficient catalyst preparation for plasma-assisted CO2 methanation.” on May 2 2023 and was awarded the PhD degree from University of Caen and AGH Univiversity of Science and Technology, Krakow. Congratulations Dr. Nguyen-Quang!

Congratulations to Dr. Garcia Soto

On April 28 2023, Carolina Garcia Soto defended her thesis titled “Fundamental study of plasma-catalytic surface interactions for CO2 conversion and application of fluidized bed reactors” and obtained her PhD degree from École Polytechnique as well as University of Bucharest. Congratulations Dr. Garcia Soto!

Congratulations to Dr. Fromentin

Since last week we have another doctor in the consortium! On April 14 2023, Chloé Fromentin defended her thesis, titled “Reaction mechanism for CO2-N2 low-temperature plasmas: the role played by O2 and N2 on the CO2 vibrational kinetics and dissociation”, and obtained her PhD degree from IST of University of Lisbon with distinction. Congratulations Dr. Fromentin!

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